Meet the Girl who Dumped her Day-old Baby on a Benin City Street (Photo) On June 13, 2015, a baby was dumped at Obazuaye Street in Evbuareke Quarters, Uselu, Benin City, at about 11am. Residents, including Mr and Mrs Osarhiakhi Ebohon, thronged the scene to catch a glimpse of the little girl, wrapped in a black nylon bag. The Ebohons, among other residents, placed curses on whoever might have thrown the child away. The police was invited to take away the baby who was later sent to the Ministry of Women Affairs in Edo State. But later that night, Mrs. Ebohon observed that their eldest daughter, Joy, was feeling uneasy. She tried to find out what her daughter’s problem was, to no avail. However she went to inform the husband to probe Joy to know her problem. At about 5am the following day, Mr Ebohon woke her daughter up and threatened her to tell him the cause of her unease. It was there that Joy opened up to her parents that she was the one who dumped the child on the street.